Monday, February 6, 2017

Strange Things that Happen

Weird things are showing up in fish mouths. They are parasites that live in the water, and they are gross bugs too. They eat their tounge off. It looks  like a rollie polie bug and there are bigger ones.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Walk the Walk

Niquo Joe is now a walker! It's only been a few days, maybe a week now, that I'd call him a walker even though he's known how to for a long time. The "delay" has been in his comfort zone/preferences rather than his abilities. Leo boys/men; they're so easy that way. Well, what I know of them. They tend to be one with the moment and not stress for what's to come much. Of course there are more factors playing into that characteristic tendency than just when a person was born, but nonetheless...


I've been noticing fun synchronicities around his development. Like, when Nate from work and I were chatting back and forth about how awesome parenting is and I mentioned how Niquo can walk, but that “I wouldn’t necessarily call him a walker” and then that very night Niquo Joe starts walking across rooms and stuff. Of course it was bound to happen after some conversation about it; how often are you not talking about your baby and their development? But, I choose to be excited about it. And then the other day, I pondered out loud to myself wondering when babies say “gaga”. Of course then my thoughts went to Lady Gaga wondering if she just wanted her name to be among the first out of children’s mouths – but that’s beside the point. I really believe it was the first time it occurred to me that my baby doesn’t say gaga. And then the very next day, Niquo Joe’s favorite word…? Those are fun!

It looks like he’s down to one nap, and a short one at that. Used to be he’d sleep around 10-11:30 and then again from something like 3:00-5:00; anywhere around then. Now; one nap, 1.5 hours, at noon. That’s been true for 2 or 3 days now. Out of nowhere. You can tell it’s a transition (and probably not a phase) because he’s nowhere near going to sleep outside noon-1:30, but he gets *sooo* tired! Seems like his bed time has gotten earlier, too. That happened before the naps cut, by maybe a week.

He’s really interested in the mechanics of things now which is fun. The little advances in levels of awareness have been by far the most fun aspect of him to witness. It’s fun to see his little bug face turn into a little boy and all, but not nearly as much as seeing him now starting to speak with a purpose. And his frustrations with his body and hands not behaving the way he must be imagining it should as he tries things are more than my heart can stand they’re so cute!

So far Niquo Joe has said (at one point in his life) “kitty cat” (for which he got a kitty cat who has no name until Niquo names her (but I think he’s going to name her Koqui), never to utter the words again), “moe” which is as close to “more” as he’s gotten (you gotta have something pretty special to coax that word out of his mouth, which now sounds like “mom” and nothing like “more”), and Dada is his #1 favorite word followed by the distant second favorite “Mom mom”. Well, actually, I think his favorite word must be “UH?!?”, but who’s counting…


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Children and Lying

Not that Niquo Joe is talking or anything, but I learned an interesting fact that I think is worth sharing.  And since all 2 readers of have children, I thought this is a suiting forum to share.
I recently learned that children really don't understand the difference between telling a lie and just saying what comes to mind (which may very well may be strongly affected by their desire not to be in trouble, but nonetheless)...
I saw it on a morning show that I don't remember the name of, but when I see it again I'll edit this post to add it.  But, I did find an interesting (enough) article for your linking pleasure.  Other than that, Google it.  I think it's important to understand not to be worried or disappointed in our kids if/when they say something that isn't true.
For instance, if your young child does something wrong and blames it on another child, they're probably speaking to how they FEEL or what they WISH had happened more than the fact they're being deceiving.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day at the Park

How fast the time passes between the time a baby is content in arms wherever arms happen to be and the time when you actually need to take them out to play and actually put them on the ground and... let go of them... Yikes!

But, now we go!

Click this pic for better resolution